Premium Stock

Viking Beer Mug

cm: 12 w x 14.1 d x 14.8 h
in: 4.724 w x 5.551 d x 5.827 h
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This voting section lets you decide if this model should join our Premium section, known for its high-quality, exclusive models. Models garnering sufficient votes will receive Gambody’s expert moderation, including Ge-smart cutting and live-time support. Successful models will be placed in the Premium section and then promoted, while the original STLs will stay in the Stock section. Your vote directly influences the model's status, based on community preferences.
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Source Files




Printing Details

File Name File Size Time / Filament Object Size
(x/y/z mm)
Roman_Column_Mug_With_Han dle_0004_Final_STL.STL
5.23 MiB 42 h 5 min 26 m 142 x 120 x 148 Download

Having a home 3d printer and not creating such a stylish 3D beer mug for yourself is a real crime in the face of technology. Anyone staring with a colledge student to 3d home modeler would love to have a stylish and beautiful mug like that. Paint you beer mug gold and find out what it feels like to drink the nectar of the Gods from a Viking mug!

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