Heresylab - Sauberung Mastiff

Heresylab - Sauberung Mastiff 3D print model


Files in STL format. The model is scaled at 28mm but can easily print up to 70mm size due to its details. Model and files are for personal use only, no commecial use is allowed, nor files can be sold to third party. Resin cast models can be bought from the original company at:

Item rating
1 0
carlson793 2020-09-02 02:28:25 UTC
Very nice models. The file size and polygon count are low enough to be easily modified for your purposes, yet still well detailed with smooth lines. With a set of riding legs from other sources, these should make a good substitute for certain mechanical dog mounts.
Heresylab - Sauberung Mastiff
Custom License 
Heresylab - Sauberung Mastiff
Custom License 
Response 48% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
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    3D Model details

    • Publish date2020-04-08
    • Model ID#2358883
    • Ready for 3D Printing