Knight of Sweden

Knight of Sweden 3D print model


Intended for 3d print.

Swedish knight, late medieval / renaissance era.

Kit contains model parts allowing you to make a knight miniature with a number of Swedish signifiers. See detailed list below. Recommended scale is 40 to 54mm scale. You can print the model at 28mm scale, but some details (particularly face and coat of arms) will suffer. Printing at sub-28mm scale may result in model parts being too delicate to print properly. All model parts are prescaled to roughly 54mm scale. Some minor assembly (using glue) is required. See image gallery and detailed list below for further information about model parts.


Kit contains the following model parts:

1 Body leaning on shield, with sword in crook of arm. Armor is late 16th century Greenwich-style armor, with some fanciful touches of Maximillian/gothic style armor (especially the spiked poleyns). Decoration on shield is the Swedish coat of arms during the rule of the House of Vasa, 1523–1654. Toy horse hung on back is a Dalecarlian Horse (aka Dala Horse).

1 Body leaning on thin air, with sword sheathed at side. Same as above, but without a shield and with the sword in an alternate position. Can be used in conjunction with the runestone, separate shields, or leaning on some other object of your choosing.

2 Shields. One with the family crest of Vasa included in the national coat of arms, and one without. Can be used with body #2, or with any other miniature of your choosing.

2 Heads. One helmeted, and one bareheaded. Any resemblance to Antonius Block (Max von Sydow) from the movie The Seventh Seal is purely coincidental.

1 Runestone. Can be used as a support for the knight to lean on, or as a standalone tabletop decoration. Very loosely based on the Rök runestone in Ödeshög, Sweden.

1 chess table on a stool, with a skull underneath. To be used as additional decoration if so desired. Grim Reaper not included.

1 Round base .


This kit is part of a series of Scandinavian knight kits. There are links to all kits in the series in the list below.

Knight of Sweden

Knight of Gotland

Knight of Finland

Knight of Norway

Knight of Denmark

Knight of Iceland

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

Anyone interested in (semi)regular news and updates can follow me on Instagram, under the handle #sharedogminiatures.

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Knight of Sweden
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Knight of Sweden
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Response 92% in 11.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)16.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-06-13
  • Model ID#3098337
  • Ready for 3D Printing