GOTG VOL 3 Guardians Emblem Wearable for 3D Printing

GOTG VOL 3 Guardians Emblem Wearable for 3D Printing 3D print model


Aztec3DStudios | GOTG VOL 3 Ravager Emblem Wearable for 3D Printing | Format: STL

This emblem was inspired by the ravager emblem worn by the Guardians team from GOTG Vol 3. It can be used for cosplay, jewelry making and casting.

Files Contain: Emblem

Size: 70x13x74mm

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GOTG VOL 3 Guardians Emblem Wearable for 3D Printing
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GOTG VOL 3 Guardians Emblem Wearable for 3D Printing
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)7.89 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-08-03
  • Model ID#4681406
  • Ready for 3D Printing