Arkham Knight Wearable Helmet

Arkham Knight Wearable Helmet 3D print model


This wearable Arkham Knight helmet is a labor of love that I meticulously crafted from the original game rip file. Countless hours were dedicated to refining and perfecting the model for 3D printing, making it a challenging yet rewarding project.

One of the key improvements I made was relocating the eye holes to enhance visibility, ensuring a more immersive experience when wearing the helmet. It's all about making this iconic piece as functional as it is visually impressive.

When it comes to printing, you'll have some flexibility. You'll need to slice the model yourself, tailoring it to your specific requirements. Additionally, the scaling has been optimized for my 22head, providing a snug and comfortable fit. However, if you have larger ears or a head size exceeding 22, you may want to adjust the scaling accordingly to ensure a perfect fit.

For those interested in replicating this project, I used a Wanhao Duplicator i3 3D printer, and the following print settings worked well for me:

Rafts: Doesn't Matter Supports: Yes Infill: 15 As for the material, I used HatchBox Black PLA filament with the following temperature settings: 207°C for the nozzle and 50°C for the build plate. These settings yielded a high-quality finish and durability for the helmet.

This Arkham Knight helmet is not just a prop; it's a testament to the passion and dedication that went into creating it. Whether you're a fan of the game or simply appreciate the craftsmanship, this piece is sure to impress.

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Arkham Knight Wearable Helmet
Royalty Free License 
Arkham Knight Wearable Helmet
Royalty Free License 
Response 63% in 12.7h
3D Modeling
PBR modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.97 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-09-18
  • Model ID#4782757
  • Ready for 3D Printing