Madoka from AoKana - Smug Onsen

Madoka from AoKana - Smug Onsen 3D print model


Madoka (青柳 窓果) based on her Onsen CG artwork. It's a bit more risque figure but any naughty bits are not present. She is talking on the phone with a smug aura around, with a cute bear keychain included. The base is imagined to remind of the Onsen with wooden planks and paved path with bonsai tree and an Andon lamp. (蒼の彼方 - あおかな)

  • Height: 25cm
  • Parts: 15

She comes with Blender scene, Stl files, Pre-supported Lychee slicer scenes and eye decals for self printing. I've printed her on Elegoo Staturn S.

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Madoka from AoKana - Smug Onsen
Custom License 
Madoka from AoKana - Smug Onsen
Custom License 
Response 95% in 1.1h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender 3.3 (.blend)456 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)454 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-03-06
  • Model ID#4336433
  • Ready for 3D Printing