AirPure Extender 50mm 100mm

AirPure Extender 50mm 100mm 3D print model


Hier verkaufe ich die .3mf / .step / .stl Datei zum erweitern des Anycubic AirPure Filters. Ihr erhaltet eine 50mm und eine 100mm erweiterung, jeweils in .obj / .step / .stl Datei.

Here I sell the .step and .stl file to expand the Anycubic AirPure filter. You will receive a 50mm and a 100mm extension, each in .3mf / .step / .stl files.

Item rating
0 1
akiraspoison 2023-10-06 02:56:36 UTC
Not Recommended
The Good. The clips work too and bottom The Bad. There are no instructions as to the best way to printed it. However you print it, you need to add support. The fan area doesn't look neat and it doesn't sit flush. Air gets through the sides . I printed it 2 times with the same results and different orientations. I like the idea but it needs work or at least the Project file.
AirPure Extender 50mm 100mm
Royalty Free License 
AirPure Extender 50mm 100mm
Royalty Free License 
Response - % in - h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)529 KB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf) (2 files)206 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-04-08
  • Model ID#4420059
  • Ready for 3D Printing