Dominion ExoKnights (18mm scale)

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Summary Well, the Wayfarer Tactics Kickstarter campaign is moving right along tanks to our amazing backers! We're still in the early stretch, and a lot more rewards will be added, so be sure and check in and drop us a pledge! Here are some 18mm scale (Pocket-Tactics sized) versions of the Dominion ExoKnights, models that are featured in our B-tier rewards (28mm scale) and that will feature into the eventual rules codex. They're a powerful division of the Trans-Universal Dominion that are able to act with autonomy, forgoing the usual labyrinthine protocol to act in the best interest of the worlds under their protection. Wayfarer Tactics is a dynamic miniature wargaming system. With these rules, you can use models from your collection to enact skirmishes, large-scale battles, or party-centered dungeon crawls. Based loosely on our Wayfarer multiverse setting, you can stage your battles in worlds of magic-rich high fantasy, far-flung intergalactic scifi, or anything in between. Check out our Kickstarter Video! In addition, we've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Wayfarer Tactics. Check it out here. Enjoy! Instructions Printed at a .1 layer height with 15% infill. Printed in halves and assembled with model glue.

Design Files

File Size

8.38 MB
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1.72 MB


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