Tefra Samurai - Cyber Ronin

Tefra Samurai - Cyber Ronin Free 3D print model


Unlike other mercs of the megacorps , this one was loyal to its masters . After an inside job gone spectacularly well , the megacorp the samurai had pledged its blade to imploded from within . Ever since a Ronin identity was formed as the samurai is presumed dead . These days the ronin merc takes on minor jobs while working with other survivors to hunt down traitors of the so called operation liquidation .

28/32 mm ornate cyberpunk ( some say biopunk ) ronin . Perfect to fill the role of a samurai in your warband or an obstacle your group will have to face .

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Tefra Samurai - Cyber Ronin
Custom No Ai License 
Tefra Samurai - Cyber Ronin
Custom No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)33.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-10-02
  • Model ID#4811362
  • Ready for 3D Printing