OpenSCAD Parametric Item Container / Shell with Customizable Lightweight Cutouts (HSW)

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OpenSCAD Parametric Item Container / Shell with Customizable Lightweight Cutouts (HSW)


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Hi everyone. I am very proud of this one and it has a lot of features. I made this to be used with my Honeycomb Storage Wall setups. As such, whenever I make a model I will simply create it through OpenSCAD, put it into Orcaslicer, and then stick on a flatbottomed Honeycomb Connector piece shown here. Then it can easily be integrated into any Honeycomb storage wall.

So far I have made it to fit 1 thin sony remote, and am making another for my beds remote. This can hypothetically be used to hold anything as long as it fits in a rectangular 'basket'.

Here are the current parameters:
// User Parameters

rect_width = 100; // Width of the object to be held.
rect_length = 100; // Length of the object.
object_depth = 120; // Depth or height of the objects cutout.

wall_thickness = 2; // Thickness of container walls.

corner_radius = 4; // Radius for container's rounded corners.

posXCutoutToggle = true;
posYCutoutToggle = true;
negXCutoutToggle = true;
negYCutoutToggle = true;

cutout_spacing = 4; // Spacing between cutout ovals/octagons.
cutout_wall_spacing = 8; // Gap between the object and container wall.

cutout_num_width = 6; // Number of cutout Rows
cutout_num_width_Cols = 4; // Number of cutout Columns
cutout_width_vertice_resolution = 26; // Resolution (smoothness) for width cutouts.

cutout_num_length = 6; // Number of cutout Rows.
cutout_num_length_Cols = 4; // Number of cutout Columns.
cutout_length_vertice_resolution = 8; // Resolution (smoothness) for length cutouts.

######################### Update Sept 5th, 2023
Added version 1.6, you can now choose the number of cutout rows and columns.

You can also toggle each side so that it will or will not be cutout


The feature that took a lot of polishing is the cutouts in the side of the models. This lets you choose the number and the shape of the cutouts in the side.

^ Here, the length_vertice_resolution set to 4 will force the objects to be a rectangular shape, while the shapes on the left side are circles because their width_vertice_resolution is set high at 30

I am setting Remixes off on this project. I am going to be making any updates to it on here and tracking the project in Github in the future. If anyone has features they want to be added you can leave a comment with your detailed explanation and I will respond back, or if you want to make the changes yourself you can fork it on Github and we can merge it into the codebase with a credit in the codebase for your feature.

If anyone makes any 3d models with this script please put a link to my tool here so that others can be referenced to it :)

Thanks everyone! Please feel free to give any recommendations as you see them.

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