Year of the Dragon Masquerade Mask

Year of the Dragon Masquerade Mask


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

Wood Dragon Mask
Wood Dragon Mask
9.5 h
3 plates

River Dragon Mask
River Dragon Mask
8.8 h
3 plates



These masks were designed for you to paint and customise!
Print them in matte filament for best painting results, colouring this way will blend better with any other features you put on the mask. For example; you could stick paper leaves or string vine designs down the antlers, sculpt ivy around the face with air-dry clay, or dab on some fake moss to the antlers to give it that “old woodland” look. It's your mask, make it look how you want it to!


With the Year of the Dragon (wood element) around the corner, I decided to make masks to celebrate. Fae are spirits in my country, usually found in forests with large pointed ears, so I mashed them together with a Dragon to create these masks.

Rather than uploading each elemental dragon mask separately, I am bundling them into this one profile. You can choose a Wood Fae (antlers) and a Water Fae (horns).


Wearing the mask

Holes for threading straps are found on the sides, below the ears. If you don't want to use these large holes, simply delete the “negative part” in Bambu Studio.
A set of concealed holes can be found on the back of the ear base, where you'd find the default holes; these holes were added just in case you want to thread more straps for a better fit, or if you did not want visible holes on the mask exterior. They do, however, only take 1 to 1.5mm cords whilst the large holes can fit up to around 10mm thick cords. The thicker the cord/strap, the better.
The mask was sculpted over a standard styrofoam mannequin head model (Find it here). This size fits all four of my family members, but the ears can make it a bit tight on those with a wide front temple. This mask fits children or smaller people best.


Print Set-up

Assembly is required. Due to the size of the masks, they are split into 3 sections: face, ear/horn left, and ear/horn right. They are attached via plugs. If the plugs do not fit, I recommend sanding them and trying them again. I would also advise you to glue them together to ensure they don't come off.

Supports are required to print these masks; without them, the mask will not print well, if at all.

  1. Turn supports ON.
  2. Set the type to “normal - Auto”.
  3. Set the style to “Snug”.
  4. The threshold angle should be unchanged (the default is 30).
  5. Tick the “on build plate only” box.
  6. If you don't want to use the narrow supports for the muzzle, simply use “normal - manual” type and paint a larger area on the muzzle like the below picture (the default supports haven't broken for me, but every printer is different)

Using a brim is optional, but is highly recommended, as the mask profile is narrow it is at risk of coming off the hotbed without the brim. The horns/ears should not need a brim at all, but it's safe to still use them.


This file is for PERSONAL use. To sell prints of the masks, you must subscribe to my Patreon:

Comment & Rating (15)

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Print Profile
Wood Dragon Mask
amazing model thanks so much! we had to heat it a bit to stretch and fit my 8 year old but she had a fantastic time painting it with acrylics
The designer has replied
looks great! the stone on the forehead is a really nice touch!
Print Profile
River Dragon Mask
the Little One LOVES it, just a few things, the Forehead part had to be flattened or she would get sore there and the ear parts are pressing on her temples, nothing a little touch with the torch and some TLC can't fix... other than that great print thank you <3
Print Profile
Wood Dragon Mask
Leider kann ich nur drei Sterne geben. Das Modell an sich sieht überragend aus, keine Frage. Aber beim Ausdrucken stellte ich fest, dass mir die Maske selbst bereits mit 110% Größe ausgedruckt noch zu klein ist. Viel ärgerlicher ist jedoch, dass sich beim Hauptteil der Maske der Support nicht wirklich lösen lässt. Zudem empfinde ich die Verbindung zwischen eben diesem Teil und den Erweiterungen nicht wirklich gelungen. Hier wäre vermutlich ein nach hinten in die Maske hineinversetzter Haltepunkt besser gewesen, da man die drei Teile sowieso mit Klebstoff verbinden sollte. Von daher würde ich mich über eine Überarbeitung freuen (und in dem Fall würde ich den Druck mit 125% beginnen...).
The designer has replied
sadly auto-translate has not helped me understand all of your comment; I understand however that the mask isn't big enough for you, and something about not liking the joint positions. To not tamper with the original file, which is suitable for smaller people, I have put the STL file up for you to make your own revisions.
Replying to @zuperbuuworks :
Thank you for taking the time to read and auto-translate the message. Let me summarize my comment in English: - The mask is great but much to small / my head to big (printed in size 110% was still to narrow); next time I would try it in 125% - I was not able to remove the support from the underside of the mask, where also the two "buttons" are to connect the other pieces. Furthermore, I would like to ask whether it would be possible to use more a kind of ... small backside-alignment (only), as I would think that most people are glueing the pieces together. That would enable smooth printing edges on both the main part as well as on the "additional" parts. (sorry in advance if I was not being able to describe it in a sufficient precise way) And as I write my additional comment I realize that I may be able to remove these things from the underside by myself in the slicer... I should try that :-)
Print Profile
Wood Dragon Mask
This mask is freaking awesome! My daughter loves this thing!
Print Profile
Wood Dragon Mask
Awesome print. turned out great
Print Profile
Wood Dragon Mask
nice design, prints cleanly
Print Profile
Wood Dragon Mask
Print Profile
River Dragon Mask