A1 Extruder Upgrade - Print TPU TPE SOFT MATERIALS

A1 Extruder Upgrade - Print TPU TPE SOFT MATERIALS


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
23 min
1 plate



The Problem!

I would like to share an observation regarding the production of pultruded PET with a re-creator. The filament diameter tends to vary significantly during the manufacturing process. In our community, to ensure compatibility with modern extruders, we produce filaments with a diameter ranging between 1.6 to 1.7.

Upon testing the filament on the Bambu A1mini, it came to my attention that the extruder pulley was not gripping the filament adequately, resulting in slippage. Upon disassembling the components, I identified that a modification to the extruder lever containing the counterforce bearing was necessary. This lever serves as a stop against the extruder structure to prevent complete closure.


Some pictures made by https://forum.bambulab.com/u/amzaldua


I adjusted this aspect of the lever, ensuring that the pulley now maintains proper contact with the bearing.

This adjustment has improved the filament extrusion process, addressing the issue of slippage encountered during testing on the Bambu A1mini. I believe this modification will enhance the performance of our PET pultruded filament on a broader scale.



  1. Extruder wall;
  2. Extruder leaver;
  3. Bearing;
  4. Extruder gear;
  5. Filament;

Another issue that this can cause is with the printing of highly flexible filaments such as TPU or TPE with Shore hardness lower than 90 Shora A. This is because the bearing is unable to grip a filament that changes diameter unless it is exceptionally rigid.

I have observed similar design choices in other printers, and I am uncertain as to why the designer created this gap. Hopefully, it is not a crucial element that could lead to unforeseen issues in the future. Regardless, based on my initial tests, the modification has proven effective.

If you decide to undertake this project, please do so at your own discretion and risk. I do not assume responsibility for any issues that may arise from this modification to your equipment.


How To Print!

  • Infill Density: 25%
  • Layer Resolution: 0.16mm
  • Material: Preferably PETG or ABS, but PLA is also acceptable.
  • Supports: Supports are necessary for stable and accurate printing.

These settings have been optimized to achieve high-quality results in FDM 3D printing. A layer resolution of 0.16mm provides fine details, and a 25% infill density balances material economy with part strength.

PETG is the preferred material due to its durability and resilience, though PLA is a viable option depending on project requirements.

Ensure supports are included as needed, especially for complex geometries or overhangs. This will ensure successful prints and high-quality final parts.
I printed mine in ABS on another printer!

How to



First, take out the PTFE tubes!
second, unscrew the two screens! and save them because they are different!
In the end, take out the Splitter carful with the flat cable is to fragile.


















First, take out the hotend!

Then the screws that have arrows!

Careful taking out the cover because a spring and a screw stopper may fall down!














Take out the pin and the bearing from the standart leaver and fit on the one that you printed !
To take out mine I had to use a hammer and some love to take out the pin! careful to don't damage the parts!


At final take it all together again in reverse!







Material Settings

Like we are controlling the max Volumetric speed we don't need to change the speeds of the profiles.


Final Thoughts

If you choose to proceed with this modification, I encourage you to thoroughly document your experience and capture the process through photographs. Your insights and visual representation will be valuable contributions to the community's shared knowledge.

Test the modification extensively, pushing its limits, and share feedback on any adjustments you make. This collaborative approach not only validates successful changes but also aids in the ongoing development and improvement of the modification.

It's essential to exercise caution when modifying your printer, as it carries the risk of damaging specific components. Approach the process with care to mitigate potential losses and ensure the long-term functionality of your equipment.

Your active participation and feedback play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of 3D printing technologies. Enjoy the experimentation!


Cubes made by PET pultruded with these hack


Side Effects


Like I said, the hack improves the printing of TPU, I am testing it right now because I don't know all the side effects that this hack can create! Use it with Caution!
The tests I made with the available filaments here in EU!
TPE Filaflex 90ShorA - Basic settings - 02Layer - max flow rate : 6.5mm3 - it can be improved i dont push it harder

TPU 3dDfils 85shoreA- Basic settings - 02Layer - max flow rate : 6.5mm3 - it can be improved i dont push it harder

TPU Filaflex 70ShoreA - Basic settings - 02Layer - max flow rate : 1.5mm3 and a flow :1.2 - We have to test to be shore but i fell it can be improved.


All of them were using retraction !on! with 2mm pull!



Comment & Rating (93)

Please fill in your opinion

Well, the print is perfect, but it didn't work for me. I have 2 TPU filaments, one of which is Ninjaflex 85A, and despite this mod I can't print this filament, the printer doesn't have enough bite to keep the filament. Once the filament is in the extruder wheels I can remove it by pulling without force, to solve this problem I had to change the « pressure screw » for a much longer one and thus apply more pressure to the wheel. I suppose the mod would be more effective if the wheel were offset towards the extruder wheel instead of removing part of the plastic lever.
The designer has replied
I am able to print Recreos Filaflex 70shoreA, if you need help to see your profile open a page on the forum and I will try to help! I know at least 10 people who could print flexibly with this mod!
Replying to @3dEvangelist :
thanks you for your help but it’s not a problem with the print profile, as I said my filament is not sufficiently caught by the wheels, it slides and is not extruded. maybe the filament I used to print the lever is not adequate or my spring is not good enough to provide the necessary force
Replying to @3dEvangelist :
I’ve just look at the wiki and it seems I’ve made a mistake! I don’t remember installing the plate that push the spring
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
Top Top
The designer has replied
have you test it ?
yes, flex filament is passed.
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
Impressão 5 estrelas, vou experimentar na A1
The designer has replied
cuidado com a mola e com o batente eles têm tendência de saltar
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
Worked flawlessly and the result was great! One note on using it with soft TPU: Loosen the tension screw on the side of the toolhead roughly 3mm out, in order not to make too much resistance. Otherwise a huge improvement over the stock tensioner arm.
The designer has replied
That is a good recall the unscrewing the screw!
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
Printed nice. Thanks
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
Nice print!
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
Doesn't work as promised
The designer has replied
What is not working for you ? since a lot of people as surely use the hack you must have some issue that I might be able to solve!
Replying to @3dEvangelist :
I will try again soon and modify the review if necessary :). Don't worry for the moment
Replying to @megatolusalen :
I don't understand, you make a bad review because you don't have the skill to make it work! I give my work to you and this is the way you act! I don't have time right now! to make it work ! nad I am giving you my time to make it work!
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
I printed it out, then I was careless with the first assembly and put the spring together wrong, but after I noticed this it worked perfectly and still works with the PLA Silk version of bamboo. I use it on A1 with AMS Lite, works perfectly. Thanks for sharing.
The designer has replied
Note that I started a 17 hour print using AMS with two filaments, a plain Bambu PLA Basic and a Bambu PLA Silk. The print went smoothly for about 4-5 hours, then suddenly the Silk started to not retract, and what I noticed was that like if I cut the end of the filament wrong with the AMS, if I cut it manually and let it back in, it would go again, and when the Silk came again, the print would stall again. I replaced the blade to see if it was worn, although I thought not, I think I have had the printer for 3 days. But I still have this problem. What I also noticed is that, like, the silk filament is pushed out differently, the poop is much thicker. And what's more interesting is that there are times when you pull it in, or at least you perceive that you have pulled it in, but you can't extrude it, so you cut it again and throw the error away.
Replying to @M4rk1122 :
What I missed is that I printed the mod from plain PLA, is it possible that the PLA wore out in a few hours? I haven't had time to take it apart again to look inside. I can even think that Silk is such a soft material that it clogs the extruder from the inside after a few hours of AMS use. @3dEvangelist Any ideas? Machine: Bambulab A1 + AMS Lite
Replying to @M4rk1122 :
UPDATE! I got the source of the error, disassembled the extruder again, and it accepted, after a t will, it successfully continues to print.
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill
The print was simple and precise, thanks. I am still struggling with how to pull the original piece out (using a hammer scares the heck out of me), but I will get to it. I really want to print in 85A. Thanks for sharing!
The designer has replied
Use it! don't be scared :D you can buy a new one at a reasonable price :D I have it since I make mine and rocks :D
zorzal do you have made this change already or you are with afraid of the change mine is working since with all material flawlasly
Replying to @3dEvangelist :
No, I have not made the change, mostly because of the part about "tapping the print head with a hammer"; not my cup of tea. This is my grandson's printer, so breaking it is out of the question for me :)
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 4 walls, 25% infill