Sea Dragon Head

Remixed by
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Sea Dragon Head

Remixed by

Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm nozzle, 0.1mm layer, 4 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm nozzle, 0.1mm layer, 4 walls, 15% infill
3.1 h
1 plate



From the tips of its razor-sharp teeth to the majestic sweep of its horn, the Sea Dragon Head is a testament to the beauty and power of the mythical realm. This masterpiece inspiring wonder with its breathtaking detail and timeless allure.


Prepare to be mesmerized by the fearsome array of sharp teeth adorning the Sea Dragon's maw. Each tooth exuding a menacing allure that showcases the creature's formidable power and ferocity.


The Sea Dragon's tongue is a sight to behold, with its sinuous curves and intricate texture. It adds a dynamic element to the head, hinting at the creature's ability to taste the salty spray of the ocean and perhaps even unleash a formidable roar.


Nestled amidst the intricate scales and flowing mane, the Sea Dragon's ear stands out as a testament to the creature's acute senses. Delicately sculpted and finely detailed, it adds a touch of realism to the head, hinting at the creature's keen awareness of its underwater domain.


Rising proudly from the Sea Dragon's brow, the horn commands attention with its majestic presence. Intricately sculpted and adorned with subtle details, it serves as a symbol of the creature's regal stature and mythical prowess, evoking images of ancient legends and epic tales.


As an extraordinary embellishment, the Sea Dragon Head features a striking fish bone-like protrusion reminiscent of the majestic marlin fish. Evoking the essence of the deep sea, this detail adds a unique flair to the creature's visage, suggesting a deep connection to the ocean's depths and the diverse life within as a guardian of the seas.


The Orientation of the model allow the model to be properly printed without losing teeths and selected support removal help for easier retreveing of your print.

(With the natural orientaiton on the basement i end up beeing a dragon dentist but a bad one as it loose all his upper teeth )


Support removal hints:

This model is very delicate but shouldn't be harmed with proper attention as you can see on the pictures

  1. with small scissors or cutter plier separate the teeth, the horns and the ears from the main supports
  2. gentle twist around the horn would separate the support from the model quickly
  3. from the bottom of the print separate left from right of the back fish bones will allow you to peel each side from the back of the model
  4. Clear the top of the ear wil let you twist and remove the support but be gentle
  5. For the teeth put the model on the basement and push the support down with your thumbnail

Be ready for around 10 minutes of fears ;)


The full sea dragon is available from C.J..Goldman

I made it easy to print and corrected a hole in the chin due to the model being to thin for fdm printing

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Print Profile
0.2mm nozzle, 0.1mm layer, 4 walls, 15% infill
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