Bycicle Bike model functional Design Merida inspired

Bycicle Bike model functional Design Merida inspired

Bycicle Bike model functional Design Merida inspired

This is a little functional bycicle model. The Design was inspired by a Merida bycicle as the real one has hidden lines and so its easy to recreate it for 3D printing.

Printing instructions:

All parts are saved in the optimal printing direction, so no need to turn them while positioning.

The final modell is 20cm long, you can scale it down to 70%, but then its recommended to print all parts in high quality.

Depending on your printer you have to grind some portions of the smaler partl (Axle, pedals, pedal arms and saddle bar to make them fit and snap together properly.)

Acttivate supports on the two frame parts, all other parts can be printed without supports.
Use print plate adhension “brim” for all small parts to have them stick to the bed.

Assembly instructions:

See the Pictures and Use a little Rubber Band as the Chain. Bend together the Dirks in the stand a little If it don’t hold the Bike properly in Position.



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