FOSBOS - Drawer 2u

FOSBOS - Drawer 2u


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
16.1 h
15 plates



Free Open Source Bambu Organizational System

FOSBOS is an completely free organizational system, every model is open sourced including both fusion 360 file and the step file. All the drawers are designed after the gridfinity standard.


This model is for the 2u high drawer, in total its 6x6x2, any gridfinity bin you have that are that size or smaller will fit inside this drawer. Here are some featured bins for organizing your Bambu Labs tools that fits this exact drawer.

4mm OD PTFE Tube Bin V2
4mm OD PTFE Tube Bin V2
4mm OD PTFE Tube Bin
4mm OD PTFE Tube Bin
Acupuncture Needles Bin
Acupuncture Needles Bin
Ceramic Heater Bin
Ceramic Heater Bin
Hex Key Bin
Hex Key Bin
Retaining Clip Bin
Retaining Clip Bin
Super Screw Scrubber Bin
Super Screw Scrubber Bin
Thermistor Bin
Thermistor Bin
XYZ Belt Bin
XYZ Belt Bin
Y-Splitter Bin
Y-Splitter Bin

Please have a look at the assembly model(here) for more information

Comment & Rating (16)

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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Decent well thought out. slight concern about gluing connections
The designer has replied
I've been using my drawer for a couple months now and have had no problems with the glue. If you have any problems feel free to take a picture of it and I will analyze it to see if I can improve it. The glue is not supposed to be very structural, the dove tails are supposed to take care of the strength, the glue is more to keep everything in place looking good. But from my experience regular ca glue binds to plastic better than the layer lines themselves, so hard to get a breakage there.
I fully see what you are saying about the glue, it just keeps it all aligned. So my concerns are no more:)
So.... Man, I can't say enough remarkable things about this... I am already on drawer number 6 for my fasteners organization system. I will post a picture once it is completed. It will be 1 - 2u, 14 - 4u, 2 - 8u, 1 - 10u, and I may get crazy with some combination of other drawer items. Then I will be creating a caster roller system for it so I can roll it around the room. (Overall height 172cm if my math is correct). But I have so many questions, I downloaded the Openscad plugin, I created some magnet lite three-by-three grids and it fit beautifully, then on to the 2u buckets. (Hence the 1 - 2u listed above). After placing the 2u bucket inside the 2u drawer, it was about 3mm too tall without the grid, and 8mm too tall with it. Am I misunderstanding something here? If I print a 2u drawer, shouldn't it be tall enough to support the grid and the standard 2u height item being placed in it, or are you taking the 2u height literally and expecting people to print the 4u to fit a 2u bucket? I promise I am not complaining, I am just wondering about the method so I can continue to print accordingly.
The designer has replied
Yea the magnet grid is a bit larger than the regular grid, to fit the magnets. If you wanna use magnet grid you need to step it up a drawer. I do not use the magnetic base so I'm not exactly sure how much taller it is, maybe you can use magnet grid and 3u bins in a 4u drawer. But to prevent spam I only made drawers in even numbers. Maybe I could release 1,3,5..19 drawers, but I'm a bit afraid of getting banned again, Bambu Lab's automatic system has already banned me twice, it takes me a week of talking to the support and have them manually verify me each time to get me unbanned :D Basically the non-magnet grids are flush with the bins bottom. In non magnetic grids the bins would rest on the "floor", while the grid only holds it in place side wise i.e. they do not increase the height of the bin, but to fit the magnets the bins needs to be lifted up above the grid by at least 2mm, afaik it uses 2mm magnets. The gridfinity system gets a bit complex when you go in to all the different types of grids and stuff like that. Unfortunitely my drawers do not take in to account for a magnetic base, only the stackable lip, so 2u bins fit in 2u drawer, but only with standard grid, not with magnetic grid. If you want magnetic grid you would have to place them in a taller drawer unfortunately, which is a bit of a waste since I only do increments of 2. Sorry for that. Are you sure you need the magnetic grid though? That is usually for storing bins on your table and stuff like that, when you have bins in a drawer they all secure each other so they cant tip over. Its ok, I'm open for criticism, if there is anything you'd like to complain about please do and I will try improve it for the future :) But I would be a bit cautious rolling around 170cm drawers in the room. it's going to be quite risky if it falls and stuff like that. You would need a wide platform to roll it on and make sure you glue all the drawers real good. Maybe splitting up the drawers into 2 stacks would be a bit safer? Would be a lot harder to push over and would be a terribly accident if your whole organization system suddenly became very unorganized over a fall. Edit: You have 14x 4u drawers? Thats a lot :D What are you storing? As much as I like you using my model, are you sure there are not more suited alternatives? My drawer was basically just to follow the Bambu Labs color scheme and look Bambu Lab:ish for the printer accessories, If your storing that many things maybe just an Ikea drawer with a custom grid would save you a lot of time printing? For example I use my drawer(2xbed sheet, 4xplate holder, 2x2u, 2x4u, 1x6u) for pure printer related stuff, then I have a whole wall in my workshop that is just 100's of these for more "over all"-stuff, like screws, magnets, electronics etc I really am thankful for your appreciation of my drawer, truly, but they are just a tiny Bambu Lab's related project in the whole Gridfinity space, you should not feel forced to use my drawers if you find better alternatives, or mix and match between them :)
Replying to @Asdfgasdfg :
Ah yes, I see the mag grid now, I don't even know why I posted that. Anyways, I did try to take your design and make the back and sides attachable to each other, although I am still learning these new CAD systems. It's been 30 years since my CNC days and the software has changed so drastically that I am struggling (since I still have a full-time job as well). The base that I designed has big casters which are heavy, and the bottom part of the base is stainless steel.
Replying to @Asdfgasdfg :
and the printed piece will bolt down to the stainless-steel base. Will it tip over, it is a possibility, and I have 2 bases, 1 that fits the width and depth of a single stack, and the other is around 5mm narrower than putting 2 bins side by side without modification to join them together (the curves I believe make it a little wider then if it was all 1 piece with a dovetail system. I really like the idea of making these joined together side by side, but I will have to learn CAD better.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill