Collapsing Animal Toys

Collapsing Animal Toys Free 3D print model


We've designed these collapsible animal toys for 3D printing based on toys from our childhood that were made from wood. When you press the button that is spring-loaded, the strings that hold all the parts together get loosened and that makes the animal collapse. This model was made by Adrien from our 3Demon team.

You can follow these instructions to assemble them.

Do you like the model and don't have a 3D printer? There are lots of people who offer 3D printing services these days. Try searching for someone who offers them in your area.

This model was brought to life by 3Demon. We are a group of modeling and 3d printing enthusiasts based in Prague, Czech Republic. Here are some links to our website and social media where you can see more of our creations:

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Collapsing Animal Toys
Editorial No Ai License 
Collapsing Animal Toys
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 97% in 15.2h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)28.6 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)28.6 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-04-21
  • Model ID#2996897
  • Ready for 3D Printing