storage boxes puzzle

storage boxes puzzle 3D print model


The boxes can be 3d printed and put together in different configurations like it's shown in the images. There are three types of boxes that can be used to store different things(cubic, rectangle and square). Also, there three different sizes:

small: cubic box: h: 8 cm, w: 8.5 cm, l: 8.5 cm rectangle box: h: 8 cm, w: 8.5 cm, l: 18.5 cm square box: h:8 cm, w: 18.5 cm, l: 18.5 cm

medium: cubic box: h: 16 cm, w: 17 cm, l: 17cm rectangle box: h: 16 cm, w: 17 cm, l: 37 cm square box: h:16 cm, w: 37 cm, l: 37 cm

large: cubic box: h: 32 cm, w: 34 cm, l: 34 cm rectangle box: h: 32 cm, w: 34 cm, l: 74 cm square box: h: 32 cm, w: 74 cm, l: 74 cm

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storage boxes puzzle
Royalty Free License 
storage boxes puzzle
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (10 files)139 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-08-08
  • Model ID#3199727
  • Ready for 3D Printing