Groot Bust

Groot Bust 3D print model


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Groot is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Tales to Astonish #13 (November 1960). An extraterrestrial, sentient tree-like creature, the original Groot first appeared as an invader that intended to capture humans for experimentation.The character was reintroduced as a heroic, noble being in 2006, and appeared in the crossover comic book storyline Annihilation: Conquest. Groot went on to star in its spin-off series, Guardians of the Galaxy, joining the team of the same name. Groot has been featured in a variety of associated Marvel merchandise, including animated television series, toys and trading cards.

SHEIN 2020-11-16 11:55:06 UTC
Good job!
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Groot Bust
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Groot Bust
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)15.6 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-16
  • Model ID#2708829
  • Ready for 3D Printing