Piper Seneca style Trimmer and Fuel selector

Piper Seneca style Trimmer and Fuel selector 3D print model


3D Printable Piper Seneca style Trimmer and Fuel selector for home built flight simulator.

Trim wheels can be fitted with rotary encoders or potentiometers. Fuel selector switches must be fitted with rotary switches. (10 Position switches) Comes in multiple parts and requires M3 machine screws and nuts for assembly. Overall size: 180mm W - 375mm D - 155mm H. Printer Build volume size required: 200mm x 200mm x 180mm H

Recommended print settings with 0.4mm nozzle: *layer hight: 0.3 (for 0.2 layer hight double the top and bottom layers) *wall count: 4 *top and bottom layers: 4 *infill: 10-15% - trim wheels infill: 25-30% *no supports needed *make sure to orientate parts correctly before printing

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Piper Seneca style Trimmer and Fuel selector
Editorial No Ai License 
Piper Seneca style Trimmer and Fuel selector
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (11 files)49.1 MB
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 (.f3d)432 KB
  • Other 1.56 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-01-15
  • Model ID#833446
  • Ready for 3D Printing