Ox - Beast Marine 3 - Presupported

Ox - Beast Marine 3 - Presupported 3D print model


We never asked for this but we don't reject it. Not all of us remained loyal but those of us who did it will do our duty until our last breath, even if our brothers sees as abominations. Ox.

I'm not really against transgenics but... Maybe it is not the best idea in some cases... Rager.

Ox! One of the six beast warrior from the future presupported! The model is meant for a 40mm. base but can fit in a 32mm. (a little tight) or in a 50mm. base.

Printing parameters:

This models are intended for resin printers and tested with an Elegoo Mars and an Anycubic photon s.

The support are made for 0,03mm layers and the test prints you see in the image were made with this parameters as well as 6-9 seconds of exposure per layer depending on the resin.

I highly recommend to remove the supports after cleaning but before curing for better results. For the parts where the supports won't come out easy or are attached to delicate parts I also highly recommend to use clippers

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Ox - Beast Marine 3 - Presupported
Editorial No Ai License 
Ox - Beast Marine 3 - Presupported
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)181 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-02-07
  • Model ID#4279036
  • Ready for 3D Printing