Labrador - Wall Mounted with Tongue - 3D Print Model

Labrador - Wall Mounted with Tongue - 3D Print Model 3D print model


Labrador - with Tongue - 3D Print Model Thread Eater Storage for the Wall High-Polygon

Intended Use: This model can be used, for example, as storage for small items and as a thread eater and can be mounted on the wall.

Printing Notes: The model is easy to print. Only at the tongue at the bottom and at the ears, it requires a small support.

** The model includes 4 STL files:** Labrador-Thread-Eater-Comic-Wall-High-Poly.stl Labrador-Thread-Eater-Comic-Wall-Med-Poly.stl Plate_for_Objects.stl Wall_Bracket_Standard.stl

Important Link on our Website:Assistance with Printing our Models

License Information: These files are available under a Royalty-Free License, which means that printed or otherwise created versions of this model cannot be used or sold for commercial purposes. The sharing of STL files is not permitted.

Watermarks and Modifications: The original STL file as well as modified variants cannot be altered or sold as they are protected with a digital, invisible watermark.

If you desire modifications to the model, please contact the designer, Bernhard Queißer, of QU3D in Germany. He is open to dialogue and is happy to discuss your modification requests.

Design + Copyright: Bernhard Queißer Country of Origin: Germany

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Labrador - Wall Mounted with Tongue - 3D Print Model
Royalty Free License 
Labrador - Wall Mounted with Tongue - 3D Print Model
Royalty Free License 
Response 64% in 12.8h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
UV mapping
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)27.6 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-10-09
  • Model ID#4826318
  • Ready for 3D Printing